Les Billets de Monocle

It's the end of vacations 🌴

14 June 2022

Y Combinator (YC), the world's most prestigious start-up incubator (with Airbnb, Coinbase and Reddit on its roster) is raising the alarm with its partners:

« Pour ceux qui ont crĂ©Ă© leur entreprise au cours des cinq dernières annĂ©es […], votre expĂ©rience de collecte de fonds n’a probablement pas Ă©tĂ© normale et les futures collectes de fonds seront beaucoup plus difficiles Â».

Enough to make the start-up nation shiver.
We explain.

What's been going on for several years:

Les levĂ©es de fonds sont faciles. Trop faciles.

Chaque semblant de projet lève des millions de dollars Ă  tour de bras. Puis dĂ©pense ces dollars sur sa Â«topline», c’est-Ă -dire sur tout ce qui peut aider Ă  faire croĂ®tre son chiffre d’affaires : pubs Instagram, flyers Ă  la sortie du mĂ©tro, campagne influenceurs Tiktok et tout le reste.

Inutile de prĂ©ciser que la grande majoritĂ© de ces sociĂ©tĂ©s est lourdement dĂ©ficitaire. Et peu d’entre elles ont un plan pour devenir un jour bĂ©nĂ©ficiaire.

In just two years, the amount of money spent on funding start-ups has grown from $60 billion to over $150 billion. Companies raise huge amounts of money, spend them immediately, and raise huge amounts of money again, and so on.

You can understand better how Lola, 19 years old, earns 20,000€ per month by filming herself on Tiktok with a Shein swimsuit.

What will happen:

The return of selectivity in finance. Finally.
Investors will ask start-ups to propose viable and profitable projects.

Enough to form a storm on the horizon, according to YC: "Many of your competitors will fail to anticipate, maintain a high spending rate and only realize they're screwed when they try to raise new funds."

The rest you have guessed: slowdown on fundraising and slowdown on marketing expenses.

Lola will have to find a real job.
Finally, inflation has its benefits.

Have a great week,



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