Monocle Fund
49% Max equities, 51% Min fixed income products.
Originally created to manage Charles Monot's assets, the fund responds to a challenge: remaining opportunistic while preserving assets. The fund does not use complex products or leverage and invests in the European and American markets.

- Monocle Analyses
Bullshitomètre : « Bayer n’est pas une valeur ESG » – FAUX
Bullshitomètre : « Bayer n’est pas une valeur ESG » – FAUX répond Charles Monot, président de Monocle Asset Management. A revoir ici sur BFM Business.
07 March 2025
- Les Billets de Monocle
« Urgent »
Si nous étions encore à l’époque du télégramme – qui avait son charme – le message reçu cette semaine aurait ressemblé à ça : URGENT – STOP PRADA...
07 March 2025
NAV: 1.925,16 €
No entry or exit fees. Fixed management fee: 0.95%.
Minimum investment: €100,000
ISIN : LU1116040533
2.50%3 year (annualized)
3.51%5 year (annualized)
7.06%3 year (annualized)
8.60%5 year (annualized)
Annual Performance
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance and is net of fees.
Monthly Performance
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance and is net of fees.
Risks Indicators
Portfolio breakdown
* gross breakdown, excluding derivatives
Equity pocket breakdown
Fixed Income pocket breakdown
* gross breakdown, excluding derivatives
General features
- Assets Under Management
115 M€
- Creation date
- Net Asset Value
- Recommended Investment Period
3-5 years
- Currency
Euro (€)
- SFDR Classification
Article 8
- Auditor
Grant Thornton Audit & Assurance
- Allocation of results
Market capitalization
- Investment vehicle
UCITS IV Luxembourg
- Depositary
UBS (Luxembourg)
- Performance fees
14.95% once the €STR capitalised threshold is exceeded + 3%**.
- Chart sources
*Past performance is based on the performance of the Icefund - Share A fund created on 6 November 2008 and absorbed on 21 July 2015 by Monocle Fund
**Changement de l’indice et de frais de surperformance au 01/01/2024 qui étaient jusqu’alors : 10% à partir du dépassement du seuil Eurozone HICP ex Tobacco +1%
NAV: 1.180,49 €
Pas de frais d’entrée ni de sortie. Frais de gestion fixes : 1,50%
Investissement minimum : 1 000€
ISIN : LU1500599094
1.94%3 year (annualized)
2.92%5 year (annualized)
7.06%3 year (annualized)
8.59%5 year (annualized)
Annual Performance
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance and is net of fees.
Risks Indicators
Portfolio breakdown
* gross breakdown, excluding derivatives
Equity pocket breakdown
Fixed Income pocket breakdown
* gross breakdown, excluding derivatives
General features
- Assets Under Management
115 M€
- Creation date
- Net Asset Value
- Recommended Investment Period
3-5 years
- Currency
Euro (€)
- SFDR Classification
Article 8
- Auditor
Grant Thornton Audit & Assurance
- Allocation of results
Market capitalization
- Investment vehicle
UCITS IV Luxembourg
- Depositary
UBS (Luxembourg)
- Performance fees
14.95% à partir du dépassement du seuil €STR capitalisé + 3% **
*Past performance is based on the performance of the Icefund - Share A fund created on 6 November 2008 and absorbed on 21 July 2015 by Monocle Fund
**Changement de l’indice et de frais de surperformance au 01/01/2024 qui étaient jusqu’alors : 10% à partir du dépassement du seuil Eurozone HICP ex Tobacco +1%
How to invest?
Insurance companies
A Share
B Share
A Share
B Share
Assurance - Epargne - Pension (AEP)
A Share
B Share
Duo Fede
PER Generali Patrimoine
A Share
B Share
Strategic Premium
La Mondiale
A Share
B Share
Life Mobility Evolution Vie
Life Mobility Evolution Capi
A Share
B Share
Nortia Invest (Compte-titres)
Nortia SAS (Compte-titres)
Bourse Direct
A Share
B Share
Lombard International
A Share
B Share
Contrats FAS - FID
Liberté Capitalisation
One Life
A Share
B Share
Contrats FAS
A Share
B Share
Contrats FAS
Contrats FID
A Share
B Share
Tous contrats
Opportunism necessitates preparation
What is Monocle Fund?
It is a fund originally created to manage the assets of Charles Monot, Founder and CEO of the structure with a strategy that is discretionary, flexible and diversified.
The Fund has a maximum 49% equity limit, minimum 51% fixed income floor. Monocle Fund does not use complex products or leverage and is invested in the European and US markets.
We work to identify assets at strategic points in their journey and use our cash & cash equivalent from our fixed income pocket to capture these opportunities. We call this the reserve strategy.
How do we select our opportunities?
Stock selection is based on a rigorous investment process, combining a Bottom-Up conviction approach with a Top-Down control approach.
We analyse and select our stocks independently, without external research, using tools developed in-house. These tools allow us to retrieve all the elements necessary for an in-depth analysis of the company and the construction of a thorough investment thesis.