Presentation of the company

The story of Monocle is simple: you are never better served than by yourself. 

In the 2000's, following the sale of family-owned industrial assets, Charles found himself with his own wealth to manage. He started by giving it to private managers. Disappointment.

He then sets up his own family office where he selects funds. It's better, but it's still not it.

Therefore, he decides to create Monocle Fund from which he took the direct lead in 2015. We are almost there.

2021, the track-record being valid, Charles launches the marketing and creates Monocle AM. That's it!

Our investment philosophy

Monocle aims to offer its investors the best risk-adjusted performance over a long-term investment horizon.

Our philosophy is to grow wealth, but not at any cost: we refuse to take exaggerated risks. Some funds offer very attractive returns over certain periods but present risks that we consider unacceptable.

Cyclical downturns generally cost them much. Too much. We don't do that. We implement a demanding investment strategy.

We are value investors.The only thing we care about is price. We hold a limited number of companies (within regulatory limits), which we know in depth, and for which we believe the profit potential is high for a limited risk of loss.

When no stocks are matching our criterias, we refrain from investing. We dont any issue not investing when the circumstances do not seem appropriate.

Finally, we believe - like Warren Buffett - that a good investment idea does not appear every day.

Our Team

Charles Monot

Chairman & Managing Director

Charles started his career at PaineWebber and Smith Barney, then worked on the development of a FX options software (ICY Software) for institutional clients.

In the beginning of the 2000s, following the sale of family-owned industrial assets and some inconclusive trials with private banks, he decided to create an ad hoc family office, Iceberg Finance, which gradually opened up to other assets.

In order to meet the expectations of his investors, he then created Monocle Fund, which he is managing since 2015.

Charles is personally invested in Monocle Fund, ensuring full alignment of interests.

Mimoza Bogeska

General Manager & Managing Director

Graduated from the Magistère de Finance of the Sorbonne, Mimoza started at the Banque Populaire in the financial and administrative management department of mutual guarantee companies.

In 2007, she joined Iceberg Finance and became the head of Audit & Reporting.

Later, she participated in the creation of the Monocle Fund, of which she is now co-manager.

Antoine Peulet, CFA

Managing Director

Antoine is a graduate of Neoma Business School and holds the CFA. He started in 2017 at Pastel & Associés (Fourpoints IM) as an analyst for an international equity fund, before joining Pléiade AM as a manager in 2021.

In April 2023, he joins Monocle as Manager


How to invest?

Important to know