Always dreamed of being flexible? Good thing you met us, because at Monocle, we are flexible.

Monocle Fund

49% Max equities, 51% Min fixed income products.

Originally created to manage Charles Monot's assets, the fund responds to a challenge: remaining opportunistic while preserving assets. The fund does not use complex products or leverage and invests in the European and American markets.

Part A – High Net Worth & Institutionnel

NAV: 1.962,23 €
No entry or exit fees. Fixed management fee: 0.95%.
Minimum investment: €100,000

As of: 22 Jul 2024
Net Asset Value




4.09%3 year (annualized)

3.84%5 year (annualized)


6.51%3 year (annualized)

8.12%5 year (annualized)

Annual Performance

As of: 30 Jun 2024

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance and is net of fees.

Monthly Performance

As of: 30 Jun 2024

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance and is net of fees.

Risks Indicators

As of: 22 Jul 2024

Portfolio breakdown

As of: 30 Jun 2024

* gross breakdown, excluding derivatives

Equity pocket breakdown

As of: 30 Jun 2024

Fixed Income pocket breakdown

As of: 30 Jun 2024

* gross breakdown, excluding derivatives

General features

  • Assets Under Management

    115 M€

  • Creation date


  • Net Asset Value


  • Recommended Investment Period

    3-5 years

  • Currency

    Euro (€)

  • SFDR Classification

    Article 8

  • Auditor

    Grant Thornton Audit & Assurance

  • Allocation of results

    Market capitalization

  • Investment vehicle

    UCITS IV Luxembourg

  • Depositary

    UBS (Luxembourg)

  • Performance fees

    14.95% once the €STR capitalised threshold is exceeded + 3%**.

  • Chart sources

*Past performance is based on the performance of the Icefund - Share A fund created on 6 November 2008 and absorbed on 21 July 2015 by Monocle Fund
**Changement de l’indice et de frais de surperformance au 01/01/2024 qui étaient jusqu’alors : 10% à partir du dépassement du seuil Eurozone HICP ex Tobacco +1%

Part B - Retail

NAV: 1.207,32 €
Pas de frais d’entrée ni de sortie. Frais de gestion fixes : 1,50%
Investissement minimum : 1 000€

As of: 22 Jul 2024
Net Asset Value




3.52%3 year (annualized)

3.25%5 year (annualized)


6.52%3 year (annualized)

8.11%5 year (annualized)

Annual Performance

As of: 30 Jun 2024

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance and is net of fees.

Risks Indicators

As of: 22 Jul 2024

Portfolio breakdown

As of: 30 Jun 2024

* gross breakdown, excluding derivatives

Equity pocket breakdown

As of: 30 Jun 2024

Fixed Income pocket breakdown

As of: 30 Jun 2024

* gross breakdown, excluding derivatives

General features

  • Assets Under Management

    115 M€

  • Creation date


  • Net Asset Value


  • Recommended Investment Period

    3-5 years

  • Currency

    Euro (€)

  • SFDR Classification

    Article 8

  • Auditor

    Grant Thornton Audit & Assurance

  • Allocation of results

    Market capitalization

  • Investment vehicle

    UCITS IV Luxembourg

  • Depositary

    UBS (Luxembourg)

  • Performance fees

    14.95% à partir du dépassement du seuil €STR capitalisé + 3% **

*Past performance is based on the performance of the Icefund - Share A fund created on 6 November 2008 and absorbed on 21 July 2015 by Monocle Fund
**Changement de l’indice et de frais de surperformance au 01/01/2024 qui étaient jusqu’alors : 10% à partir du dépassement du seuil Eurozone HICP ex Tobacco +1%

How to invest?

Insurance companies



A Share

B Share





A Share

B Share





Assurance - Epargne - Pension (AEP)




A Share

B Share

Duo Fede








PER Generali Patrimoine








A Share

B Share

Strategic Premium




La Mondiale


A Share

B Share

Life Mobility Evolution Vie


Life Mobility Evolution Capi




A Share

B Share

Nortia Invest (Compte-titres)


Nortia SAS (Compte-titres)


Bourse Direct


A Share

B Share



Lombard International


A Share

B Share

Contrats FAS - FID




Liberté Capitalisation


One Life


A Share

B Share

Contrats FAS




A Share

B Share

Contrats FAS


Contrats FID




A Share

B Share

Tous contrats


Opportunism necessitates preparation

What is Monocle Fund?

It is a fund originally created to manage the assets of Charles Monot, Founder and CEO of the structure with a strategy that is discretionary, flexible and diversified.

The Fund has a maximum 49% equity limit, minimum 51% fixed income floor. Monocle Fund does not use complex products or leverage and is invested in the European and US markets.

We work to identify assets at strategic points in their journey and use our cash & cash equivalent from our fixed income pocket to capture these opportunities. We call this the reserve strategy.

How do we select our opportunities?

Stock selection is based on a rigorous investment process, combining a Bottom-Up conviction approach with a Top-Down control approach.

We analyse and select our stocks independently, without external research, using tools developed in-house. These tools allow us to retrieve all the elements necessary for an in-depth analysis of the company and the construction of a thorough investment thesis.


How to invest?

Important to know

Choisissez votre profil d’investisseur

This website only allows you to view information about the Funds that are publicly offered in the selected country. This website is not directed at persons in any jurisdiction where publication of or access to the website is prohibited by reason of nationality or residence. Persons accessing the website are aware that they are solely responsible for compliance with the laws and regulations applicable in their country of residence and/or nationality.

Before investing in any Undertaking for Collective Investment ("UCI"), which by its nature presents a risk of loss of the capital invested, we invite you to consult an investment advisor and to read the Key Investor Information Document (KIID) and the prospectus, which are available on this website.

Purpose of the website

This website is an information website whose objective is to present the portfolio management activity of Monocle Asset Management as well as the main characteristics of its funds and services. This site is not a transactional site. All information is subject to change without notice by Monocle Fund. This website is not intended for citizens or residents of the United States of America or "U.S. Persons" as that term is defined in Regulation S of the Securities Act of 1933. No Fund presented here may be offered or sold directly or indirectly in the United States of America to residents and citizens of the United States of America and to "U.S. Persons".

Access to this information may be governed, restricted or prohibited by the laws or regulations applicable to you, especially the laws of the country from which you are visiting this site. This page is not directed to persons in any country where (by reason of the nationality of the persons, their place of residence or for any other reason) the distribution of or access to this page is prohibited. It is your responsibility as a visitor to this site to inform yourself of and comply with all laws and regulations applicable to you, and thus to ensure, in advance, that you are legally entitled to subscribe to the investment vehicle.

By clicking on the "I accept" button below, you acknowledge that you have read and understood this page, agree to abide by its contents and confirm that you are accessing this website in accordance with the laws and regulations of the jurisdiction or country in which you reside.

I accept

This website only allows you to view information about the Funds that are publicly offered in the selected country. This website is not directed at persons in any jurisdiction where publication of or access to the website is prohibited by reason of nationality or residence. Persons accessing the website are aware that they are solely responsible for compliance with the laws and regulations applicable in their country of residence and/or nationality.

Before investing in any Undertaking for Collective Investment ("UCI"), which by its nature presents a risk of loss of the capital invested, we invite you to consult an investment advisor and to read the Key Investor Information Document (KIID) and the prospectus, which are available on this website.

Purpose of the website

Ce site est un site d'information dont l'objectif est de présenter l'activité de gestion de portefeuille de Monocle AM ainsi que les principales caractéristiques de ses OPC et services. Ce site n’est pas un site transactionnel. Toute information peut être modifiée sans préavis par Monocle Asset Management.

Ce site Internet n'est pas destiné aux citoyens ou résidents des États-Unis d'Amérique ou à des «U.S. Persons» tel que ce terme est défini dans le «Regulation S» de la loi américaine de 1933 sur les valeurs mobilières. Aucun Fonds présenté ici ne peut être proposé ou vendu directement ou indirectement aux États-Unis d'Amérique à des résidents et citoyens des États-Unis d'Amérique et à des «U.S. Persons».

Access to this information may be governed, restricted or prohibited by the laws or regulations applicable to you, especially the laws of the country from which you are visiting this site. This page is not directed to persons in any country where (by reason of the nationality of the persons, their place of residence or for any other reason) the distribution of or access to this page is prohibited. It is your responsibility as a visitor to this site to inform yourself of and comply with all laws and regulations applicable to you, and thus to ensure, in advance, that you are legally entitled to subscribe to the investment vehicle.

By clicking on the "I accept" button below, you acknowledge that you have read and understood this page, agree to abide by its contents and confirm that you are accessing this website in accordance with the laws and regulations of the jurisdiction or country in which you reside.

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